Hey friends,
I know you've been all patiently waiting for an opening date and it is with the heaviest heart that we bring you this news:
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After much consideration we have decided that it is time to close the doors to the South Portland Bingo Hall. The past seven months have just hit to hard and financially it isn't feasible to make this work any longer.
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We can't express the gratitude we feel for all our customers, many of whom have become an extension of our family. Thank you for sharing your lives with us and letting us share ours with all of you. The walls of this hall have seen every milestone for a lot of us, and we can't yet imagine not being here anymore. Please know, if there was any way to stay open, we would.
Thank you for 35+ years of your unwavering support. This family will miss you all so much, this has been much more than a job for us. We wish we could have said goodbye personally to all of you. We hope to maybe serve you again someday, until then, stay well and stay in touch.
From all of us here
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So much love,
South Portland Bingo
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